Our services

This section enables you look up and find out a bit more about a wide range of financial products, and on financial matters in general. It does not offer advice on your particular situation or on any specific product on the market.


At any one time there may be hundreds of different mortgage options, only some of which will meet your needs.

Corporate planning

Running a business can be a complex matter as far as financial considerations are concerned.

Tax Planning

We provide below links to pages of information about tax and to some useful tax calculators

Investment Advice

It is our role as an IFA to help you choose the right investments in order to help you meet your objectives.

Life Assurance

Do I need Life Assurance? Consider Life assurance as a part of your long-term financial planning.

Pensions Planning

Pensions are financial tools whose purpose is the provision of money in old age.

Health Insurance

These days, for people of working age, good health is the normal state, and few people consider what would happen if , due to ill health, their career was interrupted or even stopped.